Execute your AI Endurance personalized training plan directly from your Garmin watch or bike computer. No more writing down workouts or remembering interval sets. Get step-by-step instructions as Garmin custom workouts and a Garmin Connect training plan with only a few clicks.
Garmin custom workouts are step-by-step instructions that guide you through your workout. Take for example an AI Endurance - Tempo Run:
Once you synchronize AI Endurance with Garmin Connect, you'll get these instructions in real time via Garmin custom workouts:
We made it as simple as possible for you to enjoy Garmin custom workouts: Simply go to the Apps page and connect Garmin Upload:
Authorize AI Endurance to export workouts to Garmin Connect:
That's it - you're all set!
If you move a workout to a different day, change your training zones or start a new plan you don't have to do anything. AI Endurance will forward the changes to your Garmin Connect training plan so your device is always up to date with your AI Endurance training plan. We continuously export your workouts so your next week of workouts is always up to date in Garmin Connect.
Get started today and forget about writing down or remembering your workout plan with AI Endurance's Garmin custom workouts. Start with a free-trial, no credit card information required!
Paris to Ancaster is the biggest gravel grinder bike race in Canada. It’s in 8 weeks and I need to get in shape. AI Endurance can predict race performance and create a training plan which is optimized to my training responses. It predicts that I can increase my FTP by 14% to 293 Watts on race day with just 3.5 hours of training a week.
Stay on top of your goals and support our local businesses and charities at the same time. A virtual cycling challenge that comes as close to a race as possible now that social distancing is crucial in slowing down the spread of COVID-19.
Stay on top of your goals and support our local businesses at the same time. A virtual running challenge that comes as close to a race as possible now that social distancing is crucial in slowing down the spread of COVID-19.
by Grant Paling. So welcome back to my blog. As I approach 12 months of being coached by AI Endurance there is a lot to reflect on! So let’s get to it.